… to the community website for Sea Mills and Coombe Dingle, run by a group of local volunteers. Do get in touch if you would like to get involved with making our area a better place to live.
Community Centre Survey
Sea Mills Community Centre (located behind the library) has been closed since 2019, and now – after featuring in the BBC1 series ‘The Outlaws’ – its future is under consideration by Bristol City Council. Some community space is guaranteed, but the current building may be replaced with a new mixed development. We are in conversation with the Council to represent the needs of our community.
During the summer (2022) we conducted a survey to ask your views about the Centre and what you would like a community facility to provide locally. We are now in the process of analysing the responses and will post the key findings here once this is done. This survey will inform the Council about the wishes of our community, and will help us to play an active role in helping to inform the future of our Community Centre.
Many thanks to everyone who took the time to complete the survey!