Many thanks to everyone who took part in this year’s Scarecrow Trail, and we hope you had a lot of fun going around ticking off all the brilliant creations you could find. The weather could have been kinder in the first week, but the soggy scarecrows stayed standing in spite of all the torrential rain and gale-force winds. Some even had their own rainwear!
Brandon and Owen (6) from Coombe Dingle made the most of the last few days of the school holidays:
“We had a great time exploring the neighborhood – we went out on three different days to find them all. Owen’s favourites were ‘Where’s Wally?’ and ‘Super Mario’.”

What an amazing range there was – hats off to all the ingenious scarecrow-makers out there. Thanks also to Sea Mills 100 as our scarecrows are now on YouTube. We have also put together a gallery (below) of the scarecrows. If you notice that there are any not featured here that you have photographed then please email photos to us and we will add them to the gallery.
Let’s hope we can do it all again next year, and maybe we can order a bit more sunshine for the 2021 trail!
(gallery updated 13 September – thanks for sending in your photos.)