Whilst many plans for marking the 75th Anniversary of VE Day have had to be cancelled due to the lockdown, @SeaMills100 is tweeting a series of short wartime stories and photos from Sea Mills and Coombe Dingle every day in the lead up to the VE Day 75th anniversary.
The tweets complement the war stories webpage recently published by Sea Mills 100 to mark the 75 years since the end of World War Two and 75 years of peacetime. Well worth a visit to get an insight into our neighbourhood from back then. Thank you Sea Mills 100 for putting this together.
More #seamills and #coombedingle war stories added everyday in the run up to #VEday #VEDay75 #veday2020 #bristol #homesforheroes100 @HeritageFundL_S https://t.co/gpJyEqHP9O pic.twitter.com/m9Jj8fRzrQ
— SeaMills100 (@SeaMills100) May 4, 2020